In a disturbing turn of events, an incident involving two men allegedly caught in a homosexual act took place at Frankis Hotel in Nima, Accra, in December 2019. What began as a private encounter escalated into a violent public ordeal when a local vigilante group intervened, resulting in the tragic death of one man while the other narrowly escapes.

According to sources residing in the neighborhood, Kojo Mac and Ibrahim Ali had been under the scrutiny of a local vigilante group, which had been monitoring their movements for some time. On the day of the incident, the two men were followed to Frankis Hotel, where they were reportedly observed engaging in sexual activities.

A hotel staff member, believed to be affiliated with the vigilante group, allegedly leaked the room number of the couple to the group. It was at this point that the situation took a dark turn.

Our sources confirmed that, despite resistance from hotel security, the vigilante group forced their way into the room where Kojo and Ibrahim were staying. Both men were caught in a compromising position, and the vigilantes beat them in the hotel room.

The group, estimated to include around 15 individuals, subjected Kojo and Ibrahim to severe physical assault, publicly humiliating them in front of a growing crowd. Eyewitnesses described the brutal scene, with some members of the public being called to witness what the vigilantes termed as “shameful acts.”

During the commotion, Kojo Mac managed to escape by jumping through a window, leaving Ibrahim Ali at the mercy of the vigilantes. Despite attempts to flee, Ibrahim was severely beaten by the group. He later made a desperate bid for freedom, running towards Kanda Highway.

In a dramatic chase, Ibrahim leaped onto a moving 18-wheeler truck, narrowly escaping further violence. The vigilante group, unable to continue the pursuit, was forced to abandon the chase.

While Ibrahim Ali survived the ordeal, it is reported that Kojo Mac did not. The beating he sustained proved fatal, although the specific details of his death remain unclear at the time of writing. Local residents have expressed both shock and fear following the incident, with many condemning the violence.

Homosexuality remains a deeply divisive and taboo subject in Ghana, where cultural and legal frameworks denounce such relationships. Those caught in same-sex relationships face severe societal and legal repercussions, including violence, public shaming, and, in some cases, death.

Our sources indicate that if the police had apprehended Kojo and Ibrahim, they might have faced harsher treatment due to the country’s laws, which criminalize homosexuality. The vigilante group’s actions reflect a wider intolerance towards individuals involved in same-sex relationships in Ghana.

This shocking incident underscores the dangers faced by members of the LGBTQ+ community in Ghana, where cultural and legal opposition to homosexuality continues to endanger lives. The tragic death of Kojo Mac on February 12th, 2020, and the narrow escape of Ibrahim Ali highlight the urgent need for dialogue and reform to prevent further violence and loss of life.

Authorities have yet to comment on the case, and it remains unclear whether any legal action will be taken against the vigilante group involved.



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